Listen to “Biblical Answers to Questions Christians Are Asking Today,” a podcast from Relation Concepts. We explore scripture to address common questions Christians face, offering practical insights for your walk with Christ.
Predestination and Free Will
Does God predestine everything, or do we have free will? Is our salvation predestined by God or do we choose to be saved? If I stub my toe is that part of God’s predestined plan for my life? Is my life a product of my choices or God’s sovereign plan. In this podcast Dave DeWitt will discuss the age-old question of predestination vs. free will.
Do We Take Anything With Us When We Die
Will we remember our life here on earth after we die? Can we store up treasure for ourselves in heaven? Will we be the same person in heaven as we are here on earth? Are we aware of what is happening here on Earth after we leave? In this podcast Dave DeWitt answers some of our questions about whether things we have gained here on earth will follow us into the afterlife.
How Our Theology Influences Our Interpretation
In this podcast Dave DeWitt will discuss the subject, how does what we already believe influence what we understand as we read the Bible. Since we all tend to bring what we believe to our reading of the Bible, and the Bible is an infinite book, how can we make sure we are learning from the Bible rather than just reading our theology into it? That’s the question Dave DeWitt answers in this podcast.
Expressive Individualism
Four hundred years ago Shakespeare’s Hamlet said, “To thine own self be true.” Today the wisdom of the media is, “Be yourself,” “Follow your heart,” “Only you can decide what’s best for you.” This has worked its way into Christianity with ideas like, marriage is about finding your “soul-mate” and the purpose of the church is to serve people. In this podcast Dave DeWitt will discuss a new philosophy, or a new name on an old philosophy, called Expressive Individualism.
Aliens from Outer Space
Is there any evidence for the existence of life on other planets? If there is life on other planets, where is everybody? What about UFOs? What does the Bible say about life on other planets? Do the biblical descriptions of the heavens and the earth allow for different forms of life on other planets? In this podcast Dave DeWitt will explore the probability of life on other planets and what the Bible says about that.
The Far Distant Future
In the not-so-distant future Satan will bring in a godless kingdom, judged by Jesus at His Second Coming. Then Jesus will set up His 1000 year kingdom followed by a Great White Throne judgment. But then what? In this podcast Dave DeWitt talks about the far distant future.
Natural Moral Law
Do people who have never heard of the Bible know what’s right and wrong? Do we all have the same concept of right and wrong? Were we born knowing what’s right or do we learn that from our society? In this podcast Dave DeWitt will demonstrate that every human being has the same Natural Moral Law built into them by God.
Living in the Future
In the far distant future believers will be living in a New Jerusalem on a new earth. But what about before that? What about life on this earth in the near future? In this podcast Dave DeWitt thinks with us about life for believers in the near future on this earth, as the Antichrist builds his global evil kingdom.
Near Death Experiences
10% of the people interviewed on this subject claim to have had a near death experience. They claim to float out of their body or see a light at the end of a tunnel or see friends and relatives who have died or they see Jesus. Are these experiences real? Are they a depiction of what happens when we die? In this podcast Dave DeWitt will discuss what the Bible has to say about near death experiences.
Why Dispensationalism Matters
Do you advocate putting to death everyone who does any work on Saturday (Numbers 15:32-36)? Do you consider it a sin to wear clothing of two kinds of material mixed together (Leviticus 19:19)? Do you sacrifice a lamb in Jerusalem on Passover (Deuteronomy 16:2)? Do you believe we should kill Canaanites as Joshua did? If not you are what dispensationalist call a dispensationalist. In this podcast Dave DeWitt will discuss why dispensationalism matters.
Should Christians have a hobby? Did people in the Bible have hobbies? Was there any such thing as a hobby in the ancient world? What is the difference between having a hobby and having fun? Where many Christian sites answer the question, “Is it okay for a Christian to have a hobby, on this podcast Dave DeWitt explores the question should a Christian have a hobby?
Faith and Understanding
Everyone has faith. We operate by faith every day. But what is faith? Where does it come from? Does the Bible’s use of the word “faith” differ from all other uses of faith? Can we arbitrarily choose to believe what we want to believe? Since we are saved by faith, do we lose our salvation if our faith changes? In this podcast Dave DeWitt pursues the answers to basic questions about faith.
Israeli Palestinian War
On October 7, 2023 Israel was viciously attacked by Hamas leading go an extended war against other Muslim terrorists groups. How should a Christian view this war? Is it part of the end time prophesy in the Bible? Why does most of the world support the terrorist groups? Why is their such hatred for the Jews? In this podcast Dave DeWitt deals with these questions and gives an answer not usual given.
Are Atheists Smarter than Christians
Why does it seem like Atheists are often smarter than Christians? Since the Bible says Christians should be smarter than Atheists, why does that often not seem to be the case? In this podcast Dave DeWitt answers these questions with some interesting specifics.
Do People Believe What They Want to Believe
A common perspective given by media commentators is that people believe what they want to believe. In this podcast Dave DeWitt shows that to be a foolish statement, not true of anybody. Belief is not based on desires.
What Should We Do About Suffering
Suffering is universal and it comes from the curse God placed on the earth because of the sin of Adam and Eve. But what should we do about that? How should the Christian respond to God’s plan that includes suffering? In this podcast Dave DeWitt will demonstrate how Atheism and Progressivism respond to suffering and then how major Bible figures responded to it.
Judging One Another
Did Jesus tell us to not judge one another? Should Christians judge other Christians who are unrepentantly living in sin? Should Christians judge people who claim they cannot help being what they are (LGBTQ + etc.)? Isn’t making moral judgements part of what separates us from the animals. Isn’t judging one another inevitable? These are some of the questions Dave DeWitt will deal with in this podcast.
Rapture and Second Coming
Beginning in the mid-1800s Bible Scholars, holding to a literal interpretation, emphasized the observation that the New Testament described an event they called the Rapture to be a different event than the Second Coming of Christ. In the 21st Century many, if not most, Bible teachers and pastors deny that they are different events. Whether they are the same or different is what Dave DeWitt discusses in this podcast.
Salvation from Hebrews 6:4-6 and 10:26-27
Hebrews 6 says those who have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance.
Hebrews 10 says if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
How these passages relate to the security of salvation is the subject Dave DeWitt discusses in this podcast.